Our Services
Copy Editing
$5.5 per 100 words
This option is suitable for most documents. We’ll fix spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting, and ensure self-consistency. We’ll also improve sentence structures when necessary and flag any text where the meaning isn’t clear enough to correct.
Non-Native English
No extra charge!
Are you a non-native English speaker and need help making your writing sound as natural as possible? We have extensive experience helping international authors. There is no extra charge for this service.
$2.75 per 100 words
Ready to hit ‘submit’ but want to make sure it’s perfect? Do you expect only one or two small errors per page? We offer affordable proof-reading for camera-ready writing. This is a perfect option for busy professionals.
Editorial Assessment
$45 per hour
Do you need help identifying and fixing structural or logical problems within your document? Re-ordering sentences, paragraphs, or sections, adding references, and refining arguments can help. Editorial assessment is available separately or as an add-on service.
Dissertation / Thesis
$4 per 100 words
Do you want to improve the writing in your MS thesis or doctoral dissertation? We offer a discounted rate for these longer documents.
Custom Projects
Contact for pricing
Don’t see the option you’re looking for? Need help with a literature review, selecting a journal, or addressing reviewer comments? Contact us for a custom quote!